The output file of some processes can be in a structured format. We can't directly import it to a spreadsheet application like Excel. We must do some steps to convert it to a spreadsheet file.
For example, in Excel we can use these steps:
1. Copy, paste data from file to spreadsheet file
2. Use Text to Columns wizard
3. Clean and reformat data by Find and Replace

Data > Text to Columns

Convert Text to Columns Wizard

Find and Replace

1. Copy, paste data from file to spreadsheet file
- Copied data will be listed in 1 column
- We must split this column into specified columns (ex: Name, ID, Gennder...)

2. Use "Text to Columns wizard"
- Go to the Data tab
- Click Text to Columns
- In the wizard, we choose which delimiter we have (Ex: tab, semicolon, comma, space)
- After that, data will be splitted in to separated columns.

3. Clean and reformat data by "Find and Replace"
- In case, we don't have any delimiter in that list. We can use "Find and Replace" to change your current delimiter (type in "Find what") to defaut delimiter (type in "Replace with")
- After that, continue to perform the steps above (Text to colums wizard).