Informal pronunciation refers to speech that deviates from standard pronunciation rules in a casual or relaxed setting, such as with friends or family. This can involve using slang words or phrases, reducing the number of syllables in words, or speaking more quickly. Informal pronunciation is often more casual and relaxed compared to formal pronunciation, which follows strict pronunciation rules.

Linking techniques: consonant - consonant

Calm man

White tea

John knows Sally's seeing Gary

Relaxed pronunciation

Do you > d'ya

Do you know what I mean? > D'ya know what I mean?

Want to > wanna

Do you want to go with me? > D'ya wanna go with me?

Going to > gonna

I'm going to go with her  > I'm gonna go with her.

Don't know > dunno

Are you sure? I don't know > I dunno.

Let me > lemme

Le me too > Lemme too.

Isn't it > innit

It's good, isn't it! > It's good, innit!

I don't know what you want to do later > I dunno what you wanna do later

Do you want  to let me know when you decide what you want to do > D'ya wanna lemme know when you decide what you wanna do.

(Nguồn hình ảnh)


Is not = Isn't

Could/Would/Should have > could've > coulda

I could have gone > I could've gone

Could/Would/Should not have > couldn't've > couldn't'a > couldn'a

I couldn't've gone

I shouldn't've said

I wouldn't've known

Isn't / Aren't > Ain't 

(...the negative of  'to be' or 'to have')

I'm not > I ain't going, I ain't..

You ain't going

He ain't going.

From: English with Greg (5 Simple Ways to Understand Native Speakers Easily (Powerful!) >>

Some slang words in Australia...

mate = friend and ... others...

mate  ↗ >> friendly

mate  ↘ >> serious

Hey mate

shorten + add eee, ahh, oh

From: mmmEnglish ,