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Applying psychological theory to technology

The development of short video platforms like YouTube Shorts, TikTok, or Facebook Reels is based on several psychological principles designed to optimize user experience and create addictive behavior. Some of the key psychological theories applied include: 1. Behaviorism and Operant Conditioning Concept : Behaviorism emphasizes that human behavior can be shaped through reinforcement (rewards) and punishment. Operant conditioning refers to the idea that behavior tends to be repeated if positively reinforced. Application : These platforms use immediate rewards such as likes, comments, and followers to reinforce content creation and video watching. These positive responses serve as “rewards” that stimulate users to continue engaging with the platform. 2. Brain Reward System and Dopamine Concept : When people receive rewards (whether physical or emotional), the brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Application : Short videos prov

How to convert a structured text file to a spreadsheet file

The output file of some processes can be in a structured format. We can't directly import it to a spreadsheet application like Excel. We must do some steps to convert it to a spreadsheet file. For example, in Excel we can use these steps: 1. Copy, paste data from file to spreadsheet file 2. Use Text to Columns wizard 3. Clean and reformat data by Find and Replace Data > Text to Columns Convert Text to Columns Wizard Find and Replace 1. Copy, paste data from file to spreadsheet file - Copied data will be listed in 1 column - We must split this column into specified columns (ex: Name, ID, Gennder...) 2. Use "Text to Columns wizard" - Go to the Data tab - Click Text to Columns - In the wizard, we choose which delimiter we have (Ex: tab, semicolon, comma, space) - After that, data will be splitted in to separated columns. 3. Clean and reformat data by "Find and Replace" - In case, we don't have any delimiter in that list. We can use "Find and Replace&quo

SQL Server Express 2019 Installation Steps

 SQL Server 2019 Feature Selection: Uncheck option: Machine learning services and languages Because you must install more if you choose java, python, R Server Configuration: You should consider about this option: " grant perform volume maintenance task privilege to sql server database engine service". This option will avoid zeroing of data pages, hence you won't have to wait or your transactions won't have to wait until the operation was done. Database Engine Configuration:

Activity diagram, Component Diagram and Deployment Diagram in System Analysis and Design

Activity diagram Activity diagrams are widely used in system analysis and design to model the behavior of a system, particularly for business processes and workflows. In system analysis and design, activity diagrams are used to model the steps or activities involved in a particular process or use case scenario. Activity diagrams in system analysis and design typically have the following characteristics: Start and end points: The diagram should begin with a start point, which represents the initiation of the process or use case, and end with an end point, which represents the completion of the process or use case. Actions: The actions or steps involved in the process or use case should be represented by rectangular boxes, and the actions should be organized in a logical sequence. Control flow: The flow of control between actions should be represented by arrows. Arrows should indicate the order in which actions are performed and the conditions that determine the path of the process or us

Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagram in System Analysis and Design

Use Case Diagram A use case diagram is a type of diagram used in system analysis and design to represent the interactions between users (or actors) and a system. It illustrates the different ways in which users can interact with the system and the different tasks or use cases that the system supports. Use case diagrams consist of the following components: Actors: These are the entities (e.g. users, external systems, or devices) that interact with the system. Use cases: These are the tasks or functions that the system supports. Each use case represents a specific goal or activity that a user can perform within the system. Relationships: These show the associations between actors and use cases. The relationships can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. System boundary: This is a box that contains all the use cases and actors that are part of the system. Use case diagrams are useful for identifying the different user roles and their interactions with the system, as well as the spe

Diagrams in System Analysis and Design

Diagrams in System Analysis and Design In system analysis and design, diagrams are used to represent the different aspects of a system, its components, and their interactions. The main types of diagrams used in system analysis and design include: Use case diagrams: This type of diagram is used to describe the functionality of a system from the user's perspective. It shows the different use cases (or scenarios) in which a user interacts with the system, as well as the actors (or users) who are involved in those interactions. Activity diagrams: This type of diagram is used to represent the flow of activities within a system. It shows the sequence of activities and decisions involved in a particular process or use case. Sequence diagrams: This type of diagram is used to represent the interaction between objects in a system. It shows the sequence of messages exchanged between objects in a particular scenario or use case. Class diagrams: This type of diagram is used to represent the str

Be honest! - In the context of eating a meal

"Be honest"  /ˈɑːnɪst/ It's possible that the person who said "be honest" before eating their meal was using a figure of speech or a cultural expression that has a specific meaning in their community or social circle. However, in general, the phrase "be honest" is often used to encourage someone to be truthful or sincere in their actions or words. In the context of eating a meal, saying "be honest" could mean that the person wants to enjoy their food without any guilt or shame. They might be reminding themselves to be truthful about their feelings towards the food, whether they genuinely enjoy it or not, without feeling pressured to conform to social expectations or norms. Alternatively, saying "be honest" before eating a meal could be a way of expressing gratitude for the food and acknowledging that one is fortunate to have it. In this case, the person might be reminding themselves to be mindful and appreciative of the nourishment